Income Concept|Tips and articles about how to Earn Extra Income from Home Based Business|Internet Marketing|Affliate Program


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

How To Create An Internet Business On A Minimum Budget

Sunday, 30 May 2010 - Sherrie Vitello

When deciding to create an internet business, it can be a little intimidating. Where do I start? What kind of product should I promote? How can I accomplish this without it costing me too much money? How do I advertise my site?....the questions can go on and on. A person can actually get paralyzed by all the information they will read before making any decisions.

The best way to start would probably be to research the types of products or marketing you would be interested in promoting. Finding the best merchandiser site i.e. ClickBank, Commission Junction, Google Affiliate to name a few, is a good place to start. These sites offer plenty of help and you can always email them with questions you may have. They usually will get back to you within a couple of business days.

Sometimes you can search individual websites, where they offer all kinds of information and applications. If you locate a website that offers valid products that are free or doesn't cost so much, you can gain a lot of information from it, odds are you will get plenty of the right information from it. How you apply the information can be taken from the ideas suggested or you can do what a lot of people do and register with a hosting site and begin creating your website, blog or promotional page.

Sometimes a merchant site might look great...all the flash, and color, but you soon find out that their products cost way too much. Be careful when you see high-prices, you could get a big charge on your credit card and terrible customer service or an invalid product. Better to check if these types of sites have an affiliate program. That way you can upload their banners, links etc. on your website without having to pay anything. But be smart and do a search on the product to find out how many searches have been done on it. This can help you decide what products to promote.

Remember supply and demand is a good rule of thumb to apply before deciding which products you choose to place on your website. Ok, you have your product or products that you will be promoting. If you've signed up with a hosting-site, which you should, you can now start to upload these products to your site and start arranging and creating your site the way you want to. That's the fun part. Take your time, you want to be creative. Imagine you are the customer looking for a product, considering the mass on the internet, you want your site to invite those surfers' in not turn them off.

The next step after you've completed your site is to find ways to promote your site. This is actually a lot easier than it seems. There are several submittal-sites that will allow you to submit your site url. Some submittal-sites may charge a small fee and they will promote your site for you to several different search engines. This can work for you too. The key is the more submittal-sites you apply to the better chances you'll have to obtaining more exposure and traffic. Just be sure that you check if the submittal-sites are solid and not a scam.

So for now you've learned several ways to create a internet business without it costing you a lot of money. Plus if you take the precautions mentioned, you can do this fairly well, without getting into trouble with rip-off sites. If you would like to know more about creating an internet business website, blog or promotional page check the listed website address for much more information and ideas. Until next time...enjoy the day.

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Making Money from Your Website with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is the Google program where you can host pay-per-click ads on your Website. When someone clicks an ad, you earn money. Simple as that.

Is it really as easy to make money with Google AdSense as many would lead you to believe? Now that I've become heavily involved with managing Google AdSense programs for my clients, I can see it's not all play and no work.

Unfortunately, a lot of people bought into the idea that there was a lot of easy money to be made and they are now finding out they aren't making nearly as much as they thought they would. Additionally, Google has a lot of prohibited practices when it comes to AdSense, and too many Webmasters are finding out they violated Google's policies after the fact - often because they never bothered to read the AdSense policies in the first place.

Webmasters must not only comply with AdSense policies, but their Websites must also comply with Google's webmaster policies.

Prerequisites for Making Money with AdSense

To make money with Google AdSense you need plenty of traffic coming in to your site or there won't be anyone to click the ads. Website promotion techniques, especially search engine optimization and article marketing will bring more traffic to your site. You also need to have content that will attract the ads with the highest Pay Per Click (PPC) rate that are relevant to that content. Then, you need to lay out your web pages so the ads blend in with your site. Studies have revealed that people who visit sites that contain ads that use colors that are not in harmony with the actual Web site tend to develop "ad blindness". Meaning no matter how much traffic comes into your site, chances are no one will click the ads because they'll be ignoring them. If no one clicks, you make nothing.
Dealing with Competitors' Advertisements

If you offer products or services on your Website, the first thing you'll notice when you begin hosting PPC ads is that many of the ads are coming from your competitors. Therefore, you'll want to put ads on pages that aren't earning you any money, or do like I did and not put ads on your site until you're so busy anyway you'd rather make a few dollars off of your competitors than to continue turning business away with nothing to show for it.

Google AdSense allows you to specify up to 200 URLs for sites you want to bar from placing ads on your pages. The problem is that most times you won't know the competitors are out there until their ads appear.

Google Money Making Ad Options

Google offers three ways to make money from them:
Google AdSense for Content - A variety of size and shape ads for placing in your content are available. These can be text or image ads or both - you specify what you'll allow. Ad units are full ads. Link units are simply a strip of text links that your visitors might want to click. Google allows you to put up to 3 Ad Units and 1 Link unit on each page of your Web site, provided you follow its policies - both for AdSense and for Webmasters.
Google AdSense for Search - This places a search box on your Web site. When a user enters a term and conducts a search, a search results page opens, that hosts more pay-per-click ads. You can customize the color scheme of the search results page to harmonize with your web site.
Google Referrals - Here you make money by referring visitors to use a Google product, like AdSense, AdWords, the Google Toolbar and other Google software. Just like Google AdSense for Content and AdSense for Search, Google generates the code that you paste into the desired location on your web page. You can choose from a wide variety of buttons and text links of different colors. As an example of how Google Referrals works, if someone goes to your site and clicks the link and signs up for an AdSense account, when that person earns a $100 from Google AdSense and receives a payout from Google, you'll also receive $100 for referring them. This is a great idea to me, because you can be the world's worst Google AdSense advertiser, but if an ad dynamo happens to visit your site and uses your referral link, you can make money anyway!
Google AdSense Payments

Google will not issue an AdSense payment until your earnings exceed $100. Unfortunately, there are loads of Google AdSense Forum entries about website operators who accumulated $90 or more in click through earnings only to get banned from Google and not get paid anything at all before they ever reached $100. This may be because Google doesn't take a close look to see if you're complying with their guidelines until it comes time to pay you. So yes, there's a lot more to the story than meets the eye.

Other Programs Besides AdSense

Yahoo and MSN have similar programs, although those programs aren't as well-developed as Google AdSense and there aren't as many available advertisers to display ads on your site. The fundamentals for making money are the same: You still need plenty of traffic, you still need high-paying ads, and you still need to design your site to harmonize with the ads to get people to click.

Share Your Google AdSense Experiences and Tips

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


ROLUTION....making money idea

Here's a great Money Making Idea

Have you had the chance to go to my Rolution webpage? If not, every day you let pass is one less opportunity to create stable financial future for you and your family.

When you go to the site you'll learn all about how making money with your own home-based business can be easy and very profitable the Rolution way. You'll learn about how you can earn Quick Start Dollars, 5 IN 7 Cash, Matching Bonuses, Commissions and even Double Commissions. There's no big investment to get started, in fact many affiliates earn more than their monthly membership fee in the first day! What's so great about Rolution is that other affiliates in the company help you grow your business. How great is that!rn

Please, take a few minutes to find out what it's all about. It's a simple process, so you will quickly understand how to create your own money-making business. And there's not only a 7 day trial membership, there's a 10 money back guarantee of satisfaction when you become a full member. How good is that: low investment, high returns and no risk! What are you waiting for?



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Thursday, February 12, 2009



Fapturbo Is The Only Automated Forex Income Solution That Doubles Real Monetary Deposits In Under 30 Days. No Backtest Tricks. The Best Converting And Best Performing Forex Product On The Planet, Period. No Wonder It Sells Like Candy.


Tested Result: testing

Updated: November-2008
Profitable: 10/10
Easy To Follow: 8/10
Honest Result: 10/10
Support: replies within 24 hours (tested via 4 emails and made a call)
Bonus Value: 5/10
Results: 5/5
The Good: Guys, that is really first real money trading robot!
The Bad: Nothing bad so far.

Hi guys! Well...Finally we have new winner! I Think everyone heard about it. Fapturbo was released 25th November and made a huge buzz over the internet. No wonder as seems it is a really first money trading robot, the product we all so expected for a long time among all the crap that is popping up on the market every single day...

I reveal my secret - I was invited to the Fapturbo betatester group and results are great so far! I still can`t believe it is possible. I will share more results and updates soon! Take care!
No long talks here. See my video report and review my fapturbo live trading statement. Click Here. Let numbers speak for themselves.

Update December Charles from has issues special FAPTURBO Settings report with his own settings&strategy and added fapturbo to Fapwinner portfolio and discussions and started fapturbo mentoring class.

Update January During last month we've been pretty flooded with your emails about new Fapturbo robot that showed such fabolous results in real trading in november.
Is it still working?? So I asked Mark to shot a video update with his recent results:

BTW, Fapturbo guys opened a new private forum few weeks ago and run monthly mentoring sessions soon on fapturbo. So don't miss it!

Update February 2009 January results were incredible! I got just one losing day in the whole month! The current version is 36 and the developers are working on the new updates.

Click Here!FABTurBO

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008


"Orang terkaya di dunia membina RANGKAIAN, tetapi orang lain hanya sibuk mencari kerja." Robert Kiyosaki

"Saya lebih rela menggunakan 1% usaha daripada 100 orang berbanding menggunakan 100% usaha saya sendiri." J. Paul Getty

"Daripada 40 orang terkaya yang berumur di bawah 40 tahun, separuh daripadanya berjaya melalui INTERNET." Majalah Fortune

"Jika saya terpaksa memulakan perniagaan baru, Saya akan memilih perniagaan RANGKAIAN." Donald Trump

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Uptrend business venture


I just joint the MLM company Uptrend Networks Sdn Bhd. Their business concept is good. Below are the details. For further information please contact me by email/tel/sms at 6012 - 242 5463 - Mohamad.


Business Concept

Uptrend2u™ : The Business of Success
Ever thought of owning your very own international business? Earning an income even while you sleep? Or sharing a profitable venture with your friends and family from anywhere in the world?

Uptrend2u™ can help you do just that, and so much more! Combining the pervasive influence of the Internet with the exponential power of Network Marketing, the Uptrend2u™ Marketing System is one of the most effective e-commerce marketing systems available today, and offers our members the best chance of earning big, realistic and residual incomes.

This breakthrough business concept has helped transform the lives of individuals from all walks of life regardless of background, culture, age, educational level or beliefs. And when you join us at Uptrend2u™, we will show you how to build an effective, income-generating e-commerce business that will bring you unlimited potential for personal growth.

But this opportunity is not just for you. Our philosophy of "Share and Share Alike" means that we also empower you to share this incredible concept with your friends and family, thus providing them a unique opportunity to improve their lifestyles and achieve their dreams. Thus Uptrend2u™ functions not just as an e-commerce business, but also as a powerful platform for building, enhancing and maintaining positive relationships with your loved ones.

So to take your first step towards building a profitable e-commerce business, and a better world, come join us at Uptrend2u™ today!

ission & Vision


To better people's lives by giving them a trustworthy e- commerce networking platform that provides an unmatched compensation plan.



How to Start?

Sign up and become our privileged Global Business Entrepreneur [GBE] with a registration fee of RM38.00 to enjoy the full e-commerce facilities available in our website.

Online registration Bonus Statement
On line sponsoring e-voucher
Genealogy report SMS service
e-shop Newsletter


You may sell/purchase any of the Product listed in our Product Packages by purchasing one pack or more to achieve the status you desire; the price per product is as listed in Order Form - Plan A Product Package.

StatusNo. of ProductNo. of IBC - Plan A
(For Bonus Calculation Only)


Please take note that your bonus in the Plan A (Fast Bonus) depends on the number of products you purchase. Each PP entitles you to one Internet Business Centre [IBC] for the bonus calculation. With each IBC you can earn up to a maximum of RM684.00 in one single day for the Plan A.

Plan A [Fast Bonus] - 80% Payout



Purchase / Retail 1 PP of the GBE Product Package (220BV).

1.Direct Level Bonus [DLB]

Every GBE Product purchased by your direct level, you earn RM38.00.

e.g. (GBE)
RM 38.00

RM 114.00

2.Multiple Group Development Bonus (MGDB)

You earn multiple bonus from each IBC based on every Team Sales Value [TSV] of 220BV:220BV you introduce. For every TSV (220:220) achieved, you earn RM57.

You can earn up to a maximum of RM684.00 (TSV up to 2640:2640) per IBC each day.

You can multiply your income by increasing your IBC and build more TSVS.


For every TSV 220BV:220BV you earn RM57.00, 1 IBC max RM684.00 per day.


For every TSV 220BV:220BV you earn RM57.00, 3 IBC max RM2052.00 per day.


For every TSV 220BV:220BV you earn RM57.00, 5 IBC max RM3420.00 per day.


For every TSV 220BV:220BV you earn RM57.00, 7 IBC max RM4788.00 per day.

Auto Maintenance MBV76 per month (for Plan B).

3.Leadership Development Bonus (LDB) & LifeStyle Bonus

a.LifeStyle Bonus –5% BV (GBE sales)

2640 BV
(on GBE sales)
2640 BV
(on GBE sales)

Maximum 10 shares per IBC (GBE status).

On daily GBE sales submission system

Payout upon accumulation to RM9500.00

b.Leadership Development Bonus [LDB]

Team ‘A’Team ‘B’RM
4400 BV
(on GBE sales)
4400 BV
(on GBE sales)

Maximum payout RM1900.00 per IBC (GBE status), on daily GBE sales submission system.


Product Package No. of PP BV IBC Projected Income (MYR)
Daily Monthly
Bronze 1 58 1 RM684 RM20,520
Silver 3 174 3 RM2,052 RM61,560
Gold 5 290 5 RM3,420 RM102,600
Platinum 7 406 7 RM4,788 RM143,640

For further information, please contact by email/tel/sms 6012 - 242 5463.

Mohd Sham
Kuala Lumpur

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

An Easy Way To Make Some Money Online

If you happen to be reading this article, you're clearly looking for a way to start making money online. Over the next few paragraphs you'll find one of the most absolute basic ways to accomplish this task. As such, there is much more than what's written here to making a good living online, but, it's a good start.

1) Decide on a market. No doubt you've been researching how to make some money online for some time now and you've come across the topic of choosing a niche. Well, that's this step. Find a target market that is clearly hungry for more information about their niche and show a willingness to spend money on whatever the niche may be. During this step, if you're just beginning, try to avoid niche's that are extremely competitive. If you're lucky, you may even stumble across a niche that is actually under promoted, which would be gold in the bank.

2) Find something to sell them. In order to make some money online you have to sell something. Whether that be ad space, information, products, services, consulting or whatever it's entirely up to the market you've chosen to target. If you don't happen to have something that you can sell personally, then you need to find somebody that does. This is easy, just do a search in Google for your target niche and affiliate programs related to it and you'll no doubt come up with plenty of options.

3) Build a web page. Obviously, if you're going to make some money online you need a web page to make it from. In this era of the Internet this has become extremely easy to do. There are sites that, within minutes, you can have a page up and visible and you can have it done without knowing a single thing about coding a web page. Just, don't forget to include your affiliate links on your web page or the links to the product you're selling.

4) Promote your web page. The final step to make some money online is to promote, promote and promote some more. All of the steps to the process are almost equally important, but without promoting and getting traffic to your web page you're not going to get anybody to buy or click on your affiliate links. You can accomplish this by posting in relevant forums, social bookmarking, article marketing, RSS marketing, submitting your site to directories and any of the other marketing methods that help build traffic.

There you have it, a very basic bare boned approach to make some money online. Of course, there is much more than can be and should be done but this is one of the most simple ways you can get started and working towards making a living online.

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